3 Heating Repair Issues You Might Be Dealing With


Figuring out whether heating repair work needs to be done is an important task, especially if there is trouble in the winter months. If you're not sure what issues to check for it, this list will give you a good start on determining whether it's time to call a heating repair services professional.

Thermostat and Ignition

A variety of problems can arise from how the signal goes from the thermostat to the heating system or whether the signal gets there at all. The thermostat itself may be broken, creating false readings that can either trigger cycles or fail to relay them. Similarly, wiring can get loose or even short out, preventing a signal from being transmitted. Replacing a thermostat is a repair many DIY enthusiasts prefer to handle, but a professional can help you diagnose and deal with the issue, too.

If you're getting nothing from the system, it's a good idea to rule out other potential problems before replacing the thermostat. You should immediately confirm whether the pilot light is still on. If you end up needing to relight the pilot more than once per year, it's time to seek assistance.

Check the code light on the furnace. If it is doing anything other than steadily blinking green, then the system needs to be serviced.

Blower Motor

Several things can go wrong with the blower motor. In the worst scenario, it can lock up and possibly even overheat. Many other times, the motor will wear down and start to fail. Also, noises from blower motors are among the most commonly reported heating repair issues. If you hear steady clanging from the heating system, it's probably time to hire a technician to fix it.

Delayed Ignition

One of the scariest potential problems is delayed ignition. It's not so much the ignition itself as is what the delay means. When the ignition is delayed, something is off in the timing and gas is starting to build up in the heater. This runs the risk of leading to an explosion or a gas leak.

The most common sign of delayed ignition is a thumping sound. Excess gas collects, and it expands beyond the capacity to contain it. As this expansion drives outward, it hits the walls inside the heater, producing a thump.

Don't mess around with a heating unit that's experiencing delayed ignition. If possible, shut it down. If a house has already filled with gas, leave and call a professional immediately.


19 February 2020

A New Kind of Piping Makes DIY Plumbing Easier

My homes have always had either copper or PVC plumbing pipes. But when my plumbing system needed an overhaul last spring, I wanted a piping system for my home that I could work on myself when needed. There were a lot of good reasons to choose PEX piping, but my favorite thing about the PEX piping is that it's easy to work with, even if you're a beginner like me. Now I can make small repairs myself instead of calling the plumber every time I have a minor leak or other small problem. I still call the plumber for the big stuff, but it's more affordable now that I can take care of small issues myself. I started this blog to help others learn how they, too, can do DIY plumbing repairs at home.