Have A Plumber Do This Once-A-Year Maintenance On Your Vacation Home


If you have a vacation home that you rent out for part of the year and only spend a little time in here and there, then you may not think about the plumbing very often. Until the toilet starts overflowing or the drains get stopped up, in fact, the plumbing is probably the last thing on your mind! But even a vacation home demands plumbing care. If you make a point to call the plumber and have them do some annual maintenance on the vacation home, you'll have fewer issues in the long run.

9 June 2020

Drain Problems Getting You Down? 3 Signs Hydro Jet Cleaning Is The Answer


When it comes to your home, your drains may be the hardest things to keep clean. That's because all your raw sewage and waste flows through them. If you're like most homeowners, you may think that flushing your drains with hot water once or twice a week is enough. You may think that will keep them clean and sanitary. That's not necessarily the case. To keep them as sanitary as possible, you need to provide professional cleaning at least once a year.

26 May 2020

Five Steps For Dealing With Grease In Your Drains


Grease is a natural by-product of meal preparation in most homes. Even healthy, light meals often produce a small amount of oils and grease, so few homes are immune to the problem. When grease collects in a drainage pipe, it can begin to solidly. Further, grease traps food debris, hair, and other particles, which can lead to a major obstruction and a totally clogged drain if given enough time. The following steps can help you avoid this problem.

21 May 2020

Reasons To Replace Your Water Heater Now


If your water heater goes out on you, then you know you have to replace it. However, there are a lot of other reasons why you might want to have your water heater replaced with a new one that doesn't have to do with it going out. Here are a few reasons why you might want to buy a new water heater for your home: You've found the water heater in your new home is too small for your needs

6 May 2020

Addressing Foul Odors From Your Drains


The drains can be part of your home's plumbing that will experience the most problems. Foul odors coming from the drains can be extremely noticeable, but homeowners may not be aware of what they can do to address their drain odors. Determine Whether The Odors Are Due To Not Using The Faucet In A While There may be some drains in the home that will experience very infrequent use. This can actually increase the chances of drain odors forming by allowing the trapped water to evaporate.

28 April 2020

3 Questions About Replacing Plumbing Pipes in Your Home


Does your home have older pipes made of galvanized steel? It may be a good idea to have a plumber replace the pipes with more modern material. Here are some questions you likely have about this home plumbing project. 1. How Can You Tell If Your Plumbing Needs Replacement? The problem with galvanized steel plumbing is that they look completely fine on the outside of the pipe. The pipes actually corrode on the inside, which causes rust to form and limits the diameter of the pipe.

22 April 2020

4 Advantages to Tankless Hot Water Heaters


Ordinary water heaters heat water up ahead of time. The water is then continuously heated in a large tank, where it waits to be used. On the other hand, tankless hot water heaters only heat water when you turn on a hot water tap in your home. Tankless hot water heaters attach to your home's water main to supply water throughout your house. Here are four advantages to tankless hot water heaters.

19 March 2020

3 Heating Repair Issues You Might Be Dealing With


Figuring out whether heating repair work needs to be done is an important task, especially if there is trouble in the winter months. If you're not sure what issues to check for it, this list will give you a good start on determining whether it's time to call a heating repair services professional. Thermostat and Ignition A variety of problems can arise from how the signal goes from the thermostat to the heating system or whether the signal gets there at all.

19 February 2020

Make The Best Use Of A Plumber When You're Hiring One For The Day


Hiring a plumber to make any change at home can come with some uncertainty due to you potentially having a long list of things that need to be done. If you're eager to have plumbing work done and want to make sure that their time is spent wisely, consider the following tips that can help you make the most of the visit from the plumber. Make Sure the Plumber is the Right Fit

22 January 2020

What Does Water Heater Replacement Entail?


You rely on your water heater to provide you with hot water throughout your house. Unfortunately, you may begin to notice problems with your water heater after several years. Water heaters typically last for 12 years, according to Lowes. If your hot water has a strong odor, if it looks murky, or if it's tinted brown or grey, that usually indicates a problem with your water heater. You can choose to have your water heater repaired, but if it's nearing the end of its lifespan, you may want to replace it instead.

10 January 2020