The Wide World Of Porta Potties For Work And Play


When one thinks of porta potties, the image of simple toilets enclosed in plastic booths comes to mind. While these simple structures are invaluable in providing basic bathroom needs, there are various enhancements available that can greatly improve the experience and meet very important requirements for specific locations and events. Choosing a Porta Potty for Construction Sites Basic porta potties with only a toilet are a must for most construction sites.

17 December 2017

Plumbing Upgrades To Consider For Your Home


If you are currently making major renovations to your property, it can be easy to overlook the plumbing system when you are choosing upgrades to make. However, your home's plumbing may greatly benefit from your investment in a handful of upgrades to it. A New Water Heater A water heater is an appliance that is essential but one that you may rarely think about. When you are looking to undertake a major renovation project, upgrading to a tankless water heater may allow you to eliminate instances of running out of hot water while also reducing the energy required to keep your home supplied with hot water.

11 September 2017

3 Tips To Prevent Grease-Related Sink Clogs In Your Commercial Kitchen


Grease-related sink clogs can be a big issue for many commercial kitchens. If you're a restaurant owner, you should know that following these tips can help you prevent these clogs and all of the problems that can go along with them. 1. Encourage Employees to Scrape Plates If your employees aren't doing a good job of scraping plates before they go into the dishwater to be cleaned, then there is going to be an increased chance of your restaurant experiencing sink clogs.

5 August 2017

Troubleshooting Tips For Common Garbage Disposal Problems


While garbage disposals can be a real convenience in the kitchen, they can also prove to be a nuisance when they aren't working right. Unfortunately, many homeowners lack the understanding of the system enough to determine the source of the problem. Before you resolve to calling a local plumber, there are a few things you can check on your own. Here's a look at some common issues that you might encounter with your disposal.

29 July 2017

3 Signs You Should Sign Up For A Service Contract With A Local HVAC Company


Your HVAC technician might have asked you if you were interested in signing up for a service contract, but you may not be sure if it's a good idea or not. These are a few signs that it might be something for you to think about: 1. Your Unit is Under Warranty It might not seem as if you're going to need to pay for a service contract when your unit is under warranty.

26 July 2017

Heating Your Water With Sunshine


If you've already added solar panels to your roof to produce electricity for your home, or simply want to try a more socially responsible method of providing hot water for your home, you should check into installing a solar powered hot water heating system. If you've ever used a garden hose that's been sitting in the sun for awhile, you'll realize the potential of solar power for heating water. There are different types of solar water heaters, and your choice will often depend upon the climate in your area, along with various other factors.

17 July 2017

3 Tips to Effectively Heat Your Home


Even when you are in the middle of a summer heat wave, it is never too early to start thinking about effectively heating your home in the colder months. One of the major benefits of starting early is you can beat the crowd if you need upgrades or repairs to your system or home to stay comfortable. Be Mindful of Air Vents Air vents are imperative for circulating heat throughout your home and they can easily become clogged or blocked.

17 July 2017

Power Went Out And The Well Pump Is Not Working After Power Has Been Restored? 2 Things That Could Be Wrong


If you have a power outage at your home and have no water once the power is restored, it could be a problem with your well pump. Fortunately, there are things you can check on your own so you can determine if this is the problem. You can then get the help you need so you and your family will have water. Check the Circuit Breaker It could be something as easy as the circuit breaker.

11 July 2017

3 Ways To Keep The Plumbing At Your Place Of Business Flowing Freely


To keep the pipes at your business free and clear, you will need to put some checks in place that will prevent against plumbing system misuse. You don't want workers flushing paper towels down the toilet or customers disposing of their makeup wipes in the bathroom sink because this will cause a major commercial plumbing system backup. Surprisingly, just giving people instructions how to properly use the plumbing system in your business bathrooms can help to cut down on plumbing clogs.

2 July 2017

Ensure Everyone In Your Large Family Has Their Own Space By Converting The Attic Into A Bedroom


There are times when the space you have available in your home is simply not enough for your family. As you add more members to your family, the number of bedrooms in the house may no longer suit your family's needs. If you have found that you need more bedrooms in the home, but do not have the budget to have an addition built, consider converting some or all of your attic space into a bedroom.

17 June 2017